There is a lot of products out there now.

Quite a few are members of wispa and I don't want to give a more 
favorable endorsement of one of the other.

I see a lot of wisps happy with the products they use and thats a great 
thing. I think there is no better time as up till now for choices in 
products that actually work reliably right out of the box.
But, I don't believe there is a best and the rest worse, I think it's 
the product that fits your business. And a different product for each 
specific need.

Having said all that, I use Star and have no issues with it.

The upgrade software versions that some one else mentioned, is what you 
expect for a product that never stops trying to make itself better.
I have systems of star from 6 years back working flawless and systems 
all the way up to the last version working that are ultra stable.
The latest version in beta 1.4.x is too new for me to mess with. But 
when it gets to maturity, I will probably upgrade to it.

The newest versions have the most advanced features. Those features when 
added have to have the bugs worked out to get to stable. Only way that 
happens is releasing a broken product and letting the testers find the 
problems, so they can fix them.

Support is all on the forums, and really, if you are used to programing 
a radio and a router you should have no problems programing and 
configuring a star ap. You just have to be familiar with routing.

If a person is not familiar with configuring a router then they most 
likely will run into problems and need forum help.

The Star-os guys are there for feedback on real issues and bugs and 
deficiencies in their product.
Helping people figure out how to make to radios talk to each other or 
config ospf bgp or something like that is above and beyond the 
manufacturer's responsibility.

They do offer advice and help and I've seen countless times where they 
have personally logged into their wisps systems to help them out.

Some of the very best support comes from the other users on the forums.

I don't sell anything and I don't make anything from giving this 
positive feedback.

I just hate to see the wrong opinion be touted about a good product that 
many of us use.


Jerry Richardson wrote:
> Comments/experiences please?
> This product appears to be a bit more refined than some other solutions
> and as a real manufacturer there is real support rather than having to
> pay for it. Plus it appears to be FCC certified with a number of
> antennas
> Jerry Richardson
> VP Operations
> 925-260-4119
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email
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