While I love a debate - not sure this is the place. 

So - back to the question at hand - and I think a simple yes/no would most 
likely help Rick move fwd. 

1.  If your a WISP - would you be interested in a group rate vs going @ it 
alone for health insurance?

with a highly political issue like this - we can get muddied in the fray 
but putting politics aside - Can you use a group rate?   Would you be 
interested ?  

I think thats what he is trying to find out. 


On Aug 3, 2010, at 1:02 PM, Fred Goldstein wrote:

> This is not the list to debate those issues, so let's cut it off now.
> At 8/3/2010 12:45 PM, RickG wrote:
>> With all dues respect, we ALL NOW have the accessibility to health
>> care! In addition, we're supposed to be a "FREE" country, at least the
>> "freest" (pardon the slang). Meaning that we are free to do as we
>> please unless it affects others. Forcing people to buy health
>> insurance or pay for others is not in line with what our country
>> stands for.
>> As far as other countries go, I lived in Australia for over a year. My
>> wife has some health issues and we got to see first hand how
>> government run health care works - NOT GOOD to say the least. They
>> could care less. I almost sent her back to the states but fortunately
>> the problems were not as severe as originally thought. We kissed the
>> ground when we got back to America! Never had I been so glad to pay
>> our monthly health insurance premiums!
>> As far as the executives getting huge bonuses, etc. They just need
>> more competition. Unfortunately, government regulations prevent it.
>> I agree that our current system is broke but like many issues, they
>> answer is NOT government. In Kentucky, I can only chose from two
>> providers. How about drop the regulations that prevent others from
>> entering our market and let the price war begin?
>> Everyone should understand what our constitution provides as
>> "unalienable rights" and what is does NOT! http://www.unalienable.com
>> IMHO, and after reading our Forefathers works, broadband is not a
>> right, and certainly not a unalienable right and neither is health
>> care!
>> Of course, we could give up those rights and become serfs with no
>> choice but poor health care and watch the elite as they pay themselves
>> huge bonuses, yachts, and other luxuries.
>> -Rick Gunderson
>> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Fred Goldstein <fgoldst...@ionary.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> At 8/3/2010 01:44 AM, Tom DeReggi wrote:
>>> yeah, cash pay works, until you get a stroke, heart attack, cancer, etc
>>> Even when you have good insurance, it can mean still having to come up with
>>> a few hundred thousand out of pocket.
>>> Often cash pay translates to... if you have a serious illness, you cant
>>> afford to chose to live. I dont mean to be bleak, but that is the 
>> reality of
>>> it.
>>> Sure, I understand that some for financial reasons must choose to fore go
>>> insurance. But I'd surely prefer to find more affordable insurance, than
>>> fore go insurance.
>>> Affording Healthcare is surely a big issue today. I actually find it
>>> somewhat ironic that some countries have made "broadband" a human 
>> right. I'd
>>> argue that "healthcare" (aka affordable insurance) far more deserves to be
>>> made a human right.
>>> Pretty much every industrialized country except the United States made
>>> health care a basic right a long time ago.  ONLY the United States views it
>>> as a business, for which profit comes first and results (or the illusion
>>> thereof) are merely a means to that end.
>>> BTW I have a good broker here in Massachusetts who gets me, as a sole
>>> proprietor, a small-business group rate that's well below the "connector"
>>> rate (the model for the "exchanges", but really an assigned-risk 
>> pool).  And
>>> it's tax deductible as a business expense.  There could be similar plans in
>>> other states.  But rates here are ridiculously high; thanks to state
>>> intervention and their refusal to allow this year's 18-30% rate increases,
>>> I'm only paying around $18k/year, though today's paper announced that there
>>> is likely to be a more modest negotiated increase this month.
>>> But hey, the hospital, insurance, and drug company executives are getting
>>> their bonuses and buying yachts, and isn't that what counts the most?
>>> Tom DeReggi
>>> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
>>> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Cameron Crum
>>> To: WISPA General List
>>> Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 5:56 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] Health Insurance
>>> Negotiate directly with your doctor or the hospital. I've been cash pay for
>>> years. About a year and a half ago, my then 2 year old got outside
>>> un-noticed and fell into our pool. He was at the bottom when we found him
>>> and my wife, being a trained lifegaurd, was able to perform cpr and get his
>>> pulse and breath back. That combined with the cold temperature of the water
>>> (early december), and the grace of God left him with no brain damage or
>>> permanent problems. Our trip to the ermergency room plus overnight stay in
>>> the hospital was more than $12,000. I negotiated with the hospital, the
>>> doctors, and the ambulance company (all different bills) to get 
>> my bill down
>>> to less than $5000. It took about 1 hour of my time. Had I had insurance, I
>>> would have had to pay the full $5000 or $10000 deductable. So in this case
>>> it worked out for me. My family is extrememly healthy. Our kids go to the
>>> doctor maybe once a year and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor.
>>> My wife just had arthoscopic surgurery on knee in the spring and agian,
>>> paying cash, I walked away with about a 50% dicount. As we get older, I'll
>>> probably consider getting insurance as age typically means more 
>> trips to the
>>> doc. and on average it will become cheaper to pay the insurance bills than
>>> to fund it in cash. I don't know what age that will be, but I'll keep you
>>> guys posted...
>>> Cameron
>>> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:02 AM, RickG <rgunder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> How do you negotiate that? I've tried and they same we pay their
>>> standard rate. After moving back to health insurance, we always see a
>>> discount, especially on "in network" doctors.
>>> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Blake Bowers <bbow...@mozarks.com> wrote:
>>>> We are cash pay.   Regular DR visits are half of what the
>>>> quoted rate is.
>>>> Hospital is pretty much the same way.
>>>> Don't take your organs to heaven,
>>>> heaven knows we need them down here!
>>>> Be an organ donor, sign your donor card today.
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Faisal Imtiaz" <fai...@snappydsl.net>
>>>> To: <wireless@wispa.org>
>>>> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 10:19 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] Health Insurance
>>>>> That is very interesting... it is the first time I am hearing as such...
>>>>> Our experience has been on the contrary... Without the insurance
>>>>> company's pre-netogitated discounts, it is impossible to get a
>>>>> reasonable bill..
>>>>> more like.. They stick to you as a cash paying customer..
>>>>> Faisal Imtiaz
>>>>> Snappy Internet&  Telecom
>>>>> On 7/30/2010 9:20 PM, Roger Howard wrote:
>>>>>> I had a friend who had a triple heart bypass. They gave him the bill
>>>>>> for loadsa money, assuming he would pay it over a long period of time.
>>>>>> When he said he was paying cash outright, it cost a tiny fraction of
>>>>>> the amount the bill was for.
>>> --
>>> Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at" ionary.com
>>> ionary Consulting                http://www.ionary.com/
>>> +1 617 795 2701
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>  --
>  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at" ionary.com
>  ionary Consulting              http://www.ionary.com/
>  +1 617 795 2701 
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