At 10/26/2011 11:42 AM, Chuck Hogg wrote:
>The "LIVE" network here does 26Mb x 22Mb with <70ms latency.

The VZW network isn't such bad competition for a WISP for two reasons.

One -- those numbers you see are on the brand-new, unloaded 
network.  The've just started selling LTE gear this year, so the 
cells are nowhere near full capacity.  As they get busier, average 
capacity per subscriber will go down, especially during busy 
hours.  At some point they will add cells, but I'm suspecting it's at 
a much lower performance point than you're seeing now.

Two -- their per-cell costs are much higher, and thus they have to 
charge more for bulk usage.  They have caps on their plans, and 
additional usage is very costly.  So while LTE is okay for the 
vacation traveler looking to check email and read a few favorite web 
sites, or the light home user, it's not going to appeal to even 
moderate users.  Even Sprint is starting to cap its plans, after 
running a huge "unlimited" (uh, for the rest of the month?) 
advertising campaign.

  Fred Goldstein    k1io   fgoldstein "at"
  ionary Consulting    
  +1 617 795 2701 

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