Title ll has a ton of regulations…some which could reasonably apply, but most 
that have no bearing whatsoever or would be incredibly damaging to our 
industry.  The question…and the problem, is that we don’t know what the FCC 
would enforce and what they would forebear from enforcing…and for how long.  
Future FCCs would not be bound by this FCC’s decisions.








Jeff Broadwick

Senior Account Manager, Convergence Technologies, Inc.

 <mailto:jbroadw...@converge-tech.com> jbroadw...@converge-tech.com

312-205-2519 Office

574-220-7826 Cell


From: wireless-boun...@wispa.org [mailto:wireless-boun...@wispa.org] On Behalf 
Of Rubens Kuhl
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:40 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Quick Question: Title II, for or against?


The real problem is that consumers have only the CableCo and TelCo as options 
for purchasing internet.  The government instead of regulating should encourage 
competition in the free market.  WISPs are one such competitor.  



WISPs are prevented by laws of Electromagnetism and Communications to direct 
compete with CableCo and TelCo for most customers, so this argument actually 
justifies Title II treatment since CableCo and TelCo are the only ones most US 
citizens can choose from. 




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