"As a person, you can of course say "fuck you" to IE, but as a web
professional I find it impossible to ignore it." [ Ben de Groot -
http://mathibus.com/archives/2004/10/02/phpss/#comment-3 ]

On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 09:52:46 -0600, Collin Davis
> Mordechai,
> I can't speak for everybody, but as the person responsible for designing and
> creating websites whose sole purpose is to bring new business into the
> company; my main focus is the majority that comes to our sites.  The
> overwhelming majority (about 70%) of visitors use MSIE 5/6.  If I have to
> limit myself to certain practices or markup to ensure that those people
> don't get a "unstyled or lightly styled" page, then darn right I'm going to.
> I'm not going to be the one trying to explain to our owner why somebody is
> on the phone having problems accessing a part of the site, or trying to
> explain if we get an email saying our sites are horrible.  That person could
> be an architect wanting to specify our products to the tune of multiple
> millions on a project.  So yes, in the pursuit of filthy lucre, I'm going to
> cater to the majority, and the majority is IE.  In answer to the question in
> your subject, "Why style to IE?" my answer is: because that's who visits our
> sites (by our I mean the company I work for).
> Cheers,
> Collin Davis
> Web Architect
> Stromberg Architectural Products
> p     903.454.0904
> f     903.454.3642
> web www.strombergarchitectural.com
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Mathias Bynens aka MaThIbUs
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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