My whole point is... why bother?

Why not? As I've written some posts back - most people have no extra expenses (or extra time / effort) delivering compliant sites, the only time consuming part is tweaking *for* IE, so I still can't see the point.

It is JUST a browser, heck, you don't even need to pay for it.

I don't have it on laptop or smartphone (no MS platform).

Years ago, in a different organisation I worked for we made a piece of 'Windows Only' software available for free. The 'Apple People' screamed their heads off for three months until we also made their version available (at GREAT expense to the organisation). I left about nine months later, and at that point 0 (zero) people had actually downloaded it. Not one. Zilch.

That is sad. And yes, it happens.

But, again, web document is not any kind of compiled / platform-dependent application, you don't have to refactor it for every target device, it is intended to be browser independent, if it's done properly.

Jan Brasna aka JohnyB :: |
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