On 31-Aug-07, at 11:08 PM, Designer wrote:

Well Vlad, whether it fits your conception or not, there is such a thing as a site whose prime function is visual. The only 'information' in the site I mentioned is what something 'looks like'. If you can't see it, there is nothing you can do to help that.
It's a sad fact of life I'm afraid.


While not quite in direct response to your statement, I thought I'd share this article from over at A List Apart:


Specifically the 'A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words' bit.

"I admit to having overlooked alt text. Until a year ago I sniffed at the idea of creating useful alt text for images. “If a user is blind,” I reasoned, “what does he care that I have a photograph of the university tower on my website?”

My fellow designer shrugged. “Well, I guess if you don’t really care about what the image says,” she said slowly, “you really don’t need it in the first place.”"

 - Rahul.

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