Nick Fitzsimons wrote:
On 23 Jan 2008, at 17:29, Christian Snodgrass wrote:
Although, in your specific case, I would go with what Dave Woods said. If
you really want those image check boxes, use normal check boxes, and then
use Javascript to swap those out for your image ones. With that solution,
if they don't have Javascript, normal check boxes appear (which are easy
for screen readers and the like), and if you do have Javascript, you get
your cute image check boxes. And, I'd say use normal images for those as
well and use alt text like "checked, unchecked, disabled", however, that
wouldn't work well with a screen reader.

Even the JS approach would potentially be an issue for screen reader
users. When a screen reader is used for filling in a form, it switches
from its usual reading mode into "forms mode", which allows the user to
interact with the form. If, however, your JavaScript has removed the form
elements, there is then nothing to interact with - it can't tell that the
images are supposed to be like the clicky widgets it understands.

So you would definitely need to look into using some kind of offscreen
positioning technique, rather than just replacing the checkboxes with
images, so that users of such assistive technologies would be able to use
the page.


It would be quite simple to simply place the images visually over the checkboxes. Not sure how you would deal with tabbing however I'm sure that you could make something decent. Maybe ad an on focus event to the checkbox that would change the image to indicate focus.

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