Well, I started with Dreamweaver's design view, since, that was what I was
thought. My first site was a table crap :) I didn't know what was going on.

I decided to learn the nuts & bolts of HTML. My next site was table based
but with a valid code.

Then, I joined various lists, communities and saw what really was going on.
Thought myself CSS. My first CSS site took a fair amount of time and I faced
lots of newbie issues. However, with a little bit of research I overcame
them. Now, I just hate the thought of table based layouts. However, that is
not the topic of discussion :)

I still use Dreamweaver, with "display styles" switched off (View -> Style
Rendering -> Display Styles). For some minor edits I use "Textpad" on a PC.
Its just a matter of preference.

Re: The link[1] Ron gave, it is a "must-read" for someone starting out in
web development. Make sure you go through the curriculum.

Re: Embedding Flash, I have used the flash satay method, however,
"swfobject" [2] is the way forward.

Also, read extensively on Web Accessibility, Usability and Progressive

*watches out for that someone with a big stick*

[1] Opera WS Curriculum -

[2] swfobject - http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/

- Mustafa

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