On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Hassan Schroeder <has...@webtuitive.com> wrote:
> On 12/28/11 8:08 AM, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:


>> Since they aren't navigating hypermedia, I'm not sure that's
>> comparable. But typically you have a fine degree of user control of
>> the opening of new windows in such programs. At the very least, it's
>> predictable.
> Sorry, that's just nonsense.
> Take a non-technical-consumer app like Skype. On my Mac, it opens a
> single window when launched.
> Some functions change the content of that window; two open new windows.
> Which two functions? Feel free to predict, I'll wait  :-)

Point taken, I'm giving desktop apps too much credit here.

FWIW Apple do provide guidance for how windows in OS X are supposed to work:


Not sure Skype is following that guidance …

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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