On 12/27/11 11:26 AM, MJ Ray wrote:

Help and confirmation pop-ups are very much special cases.

Heh, it's always about the "special cases" :-)

What is a continuation of the content, though?  I wonder if the crux
of the argument here is that some of us (maybe the longer-serving
webmasters?) think a link can be a continuation despite it going to
another site.  After all, it's the world-wide web, one giant
multi-authored multi-part hypertext document collection.

I was considering "continuation" to be a segment of a whole, in
the sense of "Part 2 of 3", where it basically *is* linear order,
to use your term.

PDFs aren't part of hypertext and Adobe Reader is badly-designed in
several ways, so I'd ignore that.  Meanwhile, neither my microblog
or webmail clients open links into new windows: maybe if you prefer
that behaviour, you prefer different clients to me.

Your "microblog" client is also a browser? Interesting; mind telling
us what it is exactly? And regardless, many if not most desktop apps
handle URLs by launching a different app (== different window) to
display them.

Dear readers, please let me know your views on whether the web is one
document collection or many,

I'd say the distinction is irrelevant; the issue is whether there
are differences in the relationships *between documents* significant
enough to justify different display behavior.

>                              how many years you've been webmastering

18 -- but with the wind chill factor it feels like less :-)

and if/when you think links should open new windows - I really wonder
if they are related somehow.

As above: sometimes yes, sometimes no, depending on context. And
bearing in mind I'm really (ideally?) referring to new tabs in a
tabbed browser.

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- has...@webtuitive.com
webtuitive design ===  (+1) 408-621-3445   === http://webtuitive.com
twitter: @hassan
                          dream.  code.

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