On 04/12/2016 12:09, Charles Suckling wrote:
> It's the unable to initiate SSL context one.

Hi Charlie,

I believe that error is due to the OpenSSL libraries not being installed 
on your system. Due to US state and federal laws restricting export of 
strong cryptography software we cannot include the OpenSSL libraries in 
the WSJT-X installer package, so you must install them yourself assuming 
you are able to accept the terms and conditions. For Windows you can get 
an approved, by the OpenSSL team, installer package from here: 
http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html . You need at least the 
Win32 v1.0.2j Light package. Take the default options in the installer, 
particularly the option to install into the Windows system directory.

Let me know how it goes please?


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