When I installed V2.0.0-rc4 some weeks ago I noticed that Windows (10 Home) Settings>Apps showed four previous versions or RCs in the listing. I had been overwriting V1.9.1 and V2 RCs thereafter when installing the latest. To remove these from Apps, I uninstalled the newest, then reinstalled (from my Downloads directory) and immediately uninstalled each version/RC showing there. I installed -rc5 after uninstalling -rc4 in Settings>Apps, and it left me with only the current instance. If the older version installation files are needed to do this, Sourceforge keeps an archive of all the old stuff. Hope this helps. 73,

Jim, W7XZ

-----Original Message----- From: Alan Rovner
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 08:04
To: wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [wsjt-devel] Previous versions of WSJT appear in Windows Control Panel

Hi all, I went to uninstall another program on my ham PC, and noticed in
the Windows Control Panel -> Programs and Features section, there are 6
versions of WSJT displayed from previous installations.  Is this
expected?  The versions shown are 1.8.0, 1.9.0-rc2, 1.9.0-rc3,
1.9.0-rc4, 1.9.1, and 2.0.0.

There appears to be only one version actually installed.  I'm afraid to
uninstall the 1.8.0 item as it might uninstall 2.0.0 since it is the
only active version now.  I'm running Windows 10 with recent updates

Thanks for any info, vy 73,
Al, K7AR

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