We had a method that worked for the last 4.5 years up to this point, but today 
it stopped working.  The old way had a copy of mgt node's /var/mmfs/gen 
embedded in the image.   Adding new nodes was tedious, but doable: ssh to each 
node, remove the previous contents of /var/mmfs/gen, mmaddnode the new nodes, 
copy the most recent version of the /var/mmfs/gen stuff back into the image and 
repack it, finally reboot the nodes.

Everything was going fine up to the last step, where the mmautoload can't get 
itself going.

Now I found the xCAT wiki page describing how to put GPFS into diskless images. 
I'm thinking the new way is probably better, but hoping to hear from somebody 
who has actually done this recently, before I spend a lot more time trying to 

Thanks for any info, caveats,
 -- ddj
Dave Johnson
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