
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Alessio Margan @ IIT
<alessio.mar...@iit.it> wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to configure sensoray counters to generate PWM signal
> #define SUBD_CNT 0
> #define SUBD_AI 1
> #define SUBD_AO 2
> #define SUBD_DIO 3
> insn.type = A4L_INSN_CONFIG;
> insn.idx_subd = SUBD_COUNTER;
> insn.chan_desc = CHAN(channel);
> insn.data_size = sizeof(dataC) / sizeof(dataC[0]);
> insn.data = data;
> data[1] = cmReg.value;
> data[2] = down_ticks;
> data[3] = up_ticks;
> ret = a4l_snd_insn(&dsc, &insn);
> in a4l_do_insn the subdevice is check in this way but the test for
> counter, and I think also for dio, fails due
> /* Checks the subdevice's characteristics */
> if ((subd->flags & A4L_SUBD_UNUSED) != 0) {
> __a4l_err("a4l_do_insn: wrong subdevice selected 0x%X\n",subd->flags);
> return -EINVAL;
> }
> there is something wrong or I miss something ?
You miss nothing. There was a bug in the subdevice's flags checking line:
The problem is here: if ((subd->flags & A4L_SUBD_UNUSED) != 0) {

I fixed it in my git repo one week ago.

Either you clone my git repot or you wait for the pull request I will
make tonight.


> Alessio
> --
> Alessio Margan
> /Senior Technician/
> mail me <mailto:alessio.mar...@iit.it>
> Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova
> <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=via+morego,+30+genova&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=85.420533,191.601563&ie=UTF8&ll=44.474913,8.907037&spn=0.004685,0.011652&t=h&z=17&iwloc=addr>
> www.iit.it <http://www.iit.it>
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