On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 06:31:19PM -0600, Greg Julius wrote:
>How do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?
>I know I've seen that bit of info cross this list, but in searching the 
>archives I didn't come up with it.  When I tried "red cursor" the search 
>engine ignored the quotes and gave me everything with red in it (think 
>redhat) and cursor in it.  That was a lot of hits.  Is there some other way 
>to specify the search criteria?

I put the following early in my .xsession/.xinitrc file:


I think it can be done with a resource too, but I don't remember
the details.

Is there any consensus on whether the new (red) cursor theme should be
the default in 4.3, or the traditional cursor shapes?

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect                      The XFree86 Project
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