I too have had no end of sync problems since I upgraded to Yojimbo 1.5

I have tried resetting various sync options, etc. etc.. In my case
dotmacsyncclient and/or Yojimbo crashes every time a sync is
attempted, normally after a long time running and whilst consuming
considerable system resources making it near impossible to work on the
machine while it goes on. (And no, leaving it alone doesn't help. It
still crashes.) I have even tried to start it is SHIFT-held-down mode
to avoid interference from some random plugin or application, but no

I'm getting desperate. Do I have to roll back to pre-1.5 and lose data
entered since then? Would that even help, or is the .Mac sync registry
terminally munged by the repeated failures?

I turned off every synced application but Contacts to see if I could
get something that simple to work, but even it has problems now and
takes 35 to 45 minutes to attempt to sync some 50 contacts, so I
suspect the .Mac sync registry is permanently damaged, and I have no
clue as to how to reset it.

At this point I can no longer recommend Yojimbo (previously my
favorite application) and I strongly urge anybody who has not yet
upgraded to 1.5 to hold off upgrading until the problems have been

So far I have wasted 15+ hours trying to get this to work, and the
time Yojimbo has saved me over the month is rapidly being neutralized.
What is worse, I don't dare enter new data into the database since I
suspect I have to do a rollback unless this is resolved ASAP.


PS   Yes, I have submitted crash logs and machine configurations to barebones.

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