It's partly inertia - using what you know. The Finder has nested folders, we all understand nested folders. We understand how to use nested folders to solve a problem...ergo we ask for nested folders to solve similar problems in Yojimbo.

Frankly, until I started using tags in the Finder I didn't see tags as a solution to a problem - I saw them as solutions in search of a problem. Further, until Leopard I - and frankly until Leopard and HoudahSpot - I didn't start using tags. So seeing tags as a solution to my Yojimbo tasks took a while.

But to go even one step further, Folders are more "in your face" and tags are more retiring and shy. (What the heck does he mean by that?) In the old Finder days I'd get or create a file and have to decide where to put it. Okay, so it is a work file - I already have a folder called work. That's easy. Hey, I have five folders inside Work and the file fits best inside Requisitions. Problem solved.

New style I have to remember that I have tags called Work and Requisitions. Thankfully Yojimbo does autocompletion in the Tags Inspector which works well - if I remember that the tag was called Work as opposed to North Campus Office. Since Tags aren't in my face the way a nested folder is when I open the file selector, I have to think a little more, plan a little better, and sometimes go looking. It irritates me no end when I discover that I have half a dozen documents with one tab and a couple more with a different tab that means the same thing.

Even now I'm not convinced that tabs are the logical replacement for nested folders. A useful tool, yes - but a replacement? I'm not convinced yet. But since this is the only complaint I have about Yojimbo I stick with it. However I have also let the developers know in no uncertain terms that when/if a program comes along that fits as well as Yojimbo and offers nested folders, I may well be outa here.


On May 1, 2008, at 3:16 PM, Scott J. Lopez wrote:

for the people asking for nested folders, how could tags not help you
instead? instead off

[Some things]
    [Sub-Some things]

you could set up tags:


Then just search on those tags? Even better, you could (creating a
mess) have something in two "sub folders" at the same time using this
method, eliminating duplicates.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Yojimbo doesn't give us
nested folders, but you can work around that with creative thinking.

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