TEKA-TEKI: ' Mengapa tidak kita dapati keyboard, drums, guitars,
saxophones dsb. di masjid?'

Jawab orang yg kurang tolerant: 'Boro2 keyboard, saxophones dan alat2
musik yg mahal - sandal jepit-pun amblas di masjid!'

Gabriela Rantau

Jawab orang yg kurang tolerant: 'boro2 keyboard dan alat musik ahal a
--- In zamanku@yahoogroups.com, "Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Refleksi: Rupanya pencuri  di Arab Saudi tidak berpuasa mesucikan diri
dari perbuatan jahat, mereka tetap melakukan profesi meski pun di rumah
ibadah. Bagaimana dengan konco-konco mereka yaitu para koruptor kakap
mau pun teri di Indonesia?  Sangat menarik sekali bila para koruptor
Indonesia dan cecunguk-cecunguk mereka benar-benar puasa dari perbuatan
haram yang merugikan umat yang jujur.
> Tuesday 23 September 2008 (23 Ramadan 1429)
>       Thieves in the mosque! - Ramadan prayers offer extra cover for
>       Arab News
>       JEDDAH/RIYADH: Taraweeh, which is a special prayer performed
only during Ramadan, is the best way to achieve closeness to God.
Therefore mosques become particularly crowded during the month of
fasting with worshippers. But these crowds also attract another type of
visitor, the thief, whose favorite target is unattended purses in the
women's sections of these houses of worship.
>       The crime works like this: Thieves, sometimes women and
sometimes men disguised in abaya and niqab (face veil), come in while
women are preoccupied with prayer and prostration and snatch purses from
the careless and distracted. The men's sections are not immune to this
crime, either.
>       "Although it is a time full of spirituality, it is a season for
thieves (too)," said Ali Al-Marshad, a worshipper in Riyadh who goes
every day with his wife and daughter to pray. "Women's mosque-prayer
season in Riyadh is Ramadan; this could explain why they are sought by
thieves. If I suspected that a man could break into a women's section of
the mosque I would not allow my wife and daughter to go. I'd rather make
them pray at home."
>       Recently a mosque in Riyadh was struck by two men disguised in
women's garb. They grabbed a number of purses and fled. Shortly after
the women called the police, they cordoned off the neighborhood around
the mosque to no avail - the men had vanished with their booty.
>       After hearing about an incident in a mosque in Al-Salama
district of Jeddah, Maha Abdullah, a forty-something mother of four,
decided it was time to take extra precaution. "We heard about a couple
of theft incidents in the men's section," she said. "Thieves were
pick-pocketing worshippers at the entrance or exit of the mosque. I
became very cautious while praying. The women's section is unguarded and
it is located in the back of the mosque. I try not to carry any money
and I leave my mobile at home."
>       Most women are careful with their bags during prayer - typically
placing their purses in front of them so they can be mindful of their
belongings during prayer. But still, the occasional carelessly placed
personal effect is enough to encourage thieves to keep trying.
>       Abdullah says that her mosque has a cleaning woman who also acts
as a set of eyes. "She knows everyone and if a new face entered the
mosque she becomes alerted immediately," she said.
>       Scholar Ahmad Al-Husain said that it is not a religious
obligation for women to pray in mosques, but that it is not recommended
to forbid them from attending. "Although there is a number of cases
where men tried to break into women's sections in mosques, I do not
think it is a phenomenon," he said.
>       Laya Abdul Kareem, 50, said a boy came into her mosque during
Ramadan last year and tried to steal her purse. "This boy snuck into the
women's section of the mosque and tried to steal my bag and run away,"
she said.
>       Fortunately, Abdul Kareem was praying on a chair because of her
age. The young boy thought she was performing prostration and attempted
to snatch her bag. "I saw him immediately and pulled my bag out of his
hands," she said. "He ran away and no one saw him after that."
>       Since that incident, Abdul Kareem said the administrators of her
mosque hired a woman guard as an added precaution.
>       A mosque in Jeddah's Al-Rawdah district is typical - a small
community house of worship where everyone knows each other. As with most
mosques, there is no on-site security. Women simply watch each other's
belongings and are mindful of new faces.
>       Mohammed Rashid, another of the mosque's attendees, says police
should be guarding all mosques during prayer times, especially the
Friday sermons and the Taraweeh prayers.
>       "It is unfortunate to have stealing incidents in mosques,
especially during prayers," he said. "But some weak-hearted people don't
care that God is watching them. There has to be security at all mosques
around the country. Putting one police car outside of a mosque would
have an effect on thieves."
>       - Laura Bashraheel in Jeddah & Nuha Adlan in Riyadh

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