Definitions of karma:
o    (Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that
determine his destiny in his next incarnation

o    Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म , '' "act, action, performance";
Pali: kamma'') in Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed",
understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect
(i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra) originating in ancient India
and treated in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and ...

o    Karma is a concept in Hinduism which explains causality through a
system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions
and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of
actions and reactions throughout a souls's reincarnated lives forming a
cycle of rebirth. ...

--- In, Anthony Wu <wu...@...> wrote:

> No, in Buddhism, karma is your action. Like in Newton's laws, once an
action is done, there is certainly a reaction coming.    > You cannot
'surpass' your karma by sitting chan. If that was true, why not take an
easier way of going to church and ask a pedophilic priest to absolve
you?   >Anthony

Hi JMJM, What is meant by the high-lighted sentence below? Is it a
teaching of the Buddha? --ED         Hi Ed,

That's a description most valuable to the author.

What we teach is, through Sitting Chan, as we gradually surpass the
three karmic hindrances -- body, mind and spirit -- then we can witness
or experience ourselves.

Perhaps you have heard the statement about Chan,  "It simply could not
be described?"


JMJM, Like this:
<> Â  ? --ED
> Hi Ed,
> Thank you. However, if I may point out...
> Every path is a path. Xin Xin Ming stated well...
> "The way is not hard, if we don't pick or choose.."
> Just live and die as is...
> :-)
> Be Enlightened In This Life - We ALL Can
> <>
> <>

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