Thank you for your enlightened answer.
When you get stuck in Beijing again this time around, make sure to visit the 
tomb of the great zombie, who will speed up your enlightening process.

--- On Sun, 9/1/11, Bill! <> wrote:

From: Bill! <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Bill!'s Back....
Date: Sunday, 9 January, 2011, 6:15 PM



48 miles.

No, and enlightened being does not compete - with anything.


--- In, Anthony Wu <wu...@...> wrote:
> Bill,
> Â
> I posted a message specifically for you:
> Â
> How far a bird can fly in a stormy sky without the help of a turbojet
> Â
> Related question: Can an arahant or an enlightened one by zen or Chan
compete with that bird?
> Anthony
> --- On Sat, 8/1/11, Bill! billsm...@... wrote:
> From: Bill! billsm...@...
> Subject: [Zen] Bill!'s Back....
> To:
> Date: Saturday, 8 January, 2011, 11:39 AM
> Â
> All Yahoo! Zen Forum participants:
> Just before Xmas I spilled tea on my laptop and shorted out the main
circuit board. I salvaged my harddrives but was not able to
maintain good contact with Yahoo! Zen Forum for a couple weeks. 
I've bought a new laptop now and have set it all up, but when I went
back to catch up on all the posts there were so many I decided not to
read them all.
> So...If anyone posted anything since Xmas that had a question or
comment specificaly for me please re-post it or tell me the post number
and I'll try to address it.
> ...and I'm flying out tonight for Seoul again so I'll be off-grid for
a couple days.
> Thanks...Bill!

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