Bill and all,
Since we just had a discussion about sex between  Teachers and students, I had 
to pass this along.  Bill-- this is getting to be daytime drama-quality.  Will 
Gempo be on "Dancing with the Stars" next?... k

Dear Kanzeon Zen Center Members and Friends,
As you are no doubt aware, the situation at Kanzeon has been the subject of a 
great deal of conversation on the internet and elsewhere, including an open 
“Letter of Recommendation to Kanzeon Zen Center” from 44 American Zen Teachers, 
which was sent to us directly by Kyogen Carlson of the Dharma Rain Zen Center 
and posted two days ago on the Sweeping Zen website.
Attached is the Kanzeon Board’s response to that letter, which we are sending 
today to Roshi Gerry Shishin Wick, President, of the White Plum Asanga, and to 
the American Zen Teachers Association.  We trust that they will post our letter 
on their websites and pass it on to their members.
We would also like to remind you of the healing circle meeting tonight in the 
Zendo at Kanzeon at 7:30.  These meetings will not be broadcast or recorded.  
Once again, we invite you to speak and listen from your heart, and even if you 
have not been involved in the conversation until now, to join us and 
participate actively in the healing and rebuilding of our sangha.
The Kanzeon Board


 To Members of the American Zen Teachers and White Plum Asanga: 

As members of the Board of Kanzeon Zen Center, we have received many e-mails 
and phone calls concerning the highly-publicized situation resulting from Genpo 
Merzel’s admission of his transgressions and sexual misconduct. These 
communications from Zen teachers in your organizations and others, not to 
mention open letters and other postings on various social media and internet 
sites, are filled with advice and recommendations, many of which are beyond the 
scope of our responsibility as a Board. To the extent that they are motivated 
by a sincere concern for the survival, healing and rebuilding of our sangha, we 
would like to share with you an account of some of our efforts to date. 
• Feb. 3rd: Shortly after returning from the international sangha meeting in 
Europe, Genpo Merzel met with the sangha at the Zen Center in Salt Lake City in 
an open meeting which was widely publicized in advance. He admitted his 
misconduct (which had already been made public but wasn’t known by all 
attending), apologized for his actions for which he bears the blame and 
responsibility, and responded to the pain, anger, concerns, questions, and 
feelings of his wife, family and sangha members. 
• Feb. 6th: Genpo Merzel announced he is disrobing as a Soto Zen Buddhist 
priest, resigning as a member of the White Plum Asanga, acknowledged his own 
dishonest, hurtful behavior as well as his sexual misconduct, and said he has 
entered therapy which will continue indefinitely. This statement was posted on 
his website on Feb. 7th — 
• Feb. 8th: Kanzeon Zen Center announced that Richard Taido Christofferson 
Sensei will be taking over the teaching functions, training, administration, 
day-to-day operations, scheduling of all events, ceremonies, retreats, etc. as 
Vice Abbot and full time resident teacher. Kanzeon and Big Mind (a separate 
corporate entity) will also separate their websites, and Big Mind will continue 
as a separate secular practice, not connected with the Soto Zen Buddhist 
School. This announcement is posted at 
• Feb. 10th: The first of a projected series of council meetings was held with 
community members who wished to attend and express their feelings and their 
views on attempts for future healing. 
• Feb. 13th: Taido Sensei arrived in Salt Lake City to lead a town hall meeting 
to which all local members were invited. He outlined his vision for the future 
of Kanzeon under his leadership and responded to the concerns of the audience. 
• Ongoing: The Board is formulating a Code of Ethics and Guidelines for 
Procedures addressing issues of misconduct, abuse, and grievances within the 
sangha, based on models already instituted by other groups. They will be 
adopted as soon as possible. 
Further, an e-mail sent to us yesterday by members of your organizations raised 
six issues, to which we briefly respond as follows: 
1. Teaching. Genpo Merzel is taking an indefinite leave of absence of at least 
a year from Kanzeon. The Board has no authority over Big Mind, Inc. 
2. Therapy. This is a matter for health care professionals working with Genpo 
to determine. This is not within the expertise or purview of the Board. 
3. Salt Lake Zen Center. The Board is making every effort to maintain the 
facilities and keep the Center open for the community. This effort has been 
hampered by the heated rhetoric coming from the Zen Teacher community, in 
particular those who have reached out to members of our community to inflame 
reactions that are more adversarial than cooperative. 
4. Money Issues. The Board is supporting Taido Sensei's effort to maintain the 
flow of revenue through memberships and programs. His teaching schedule for the 
next two months will be posted shortly. We are a small Sangha, which has been 
financially supported by Genpo's teaching for many years and more recently by 
his teaching through Big Mind, Inc. He has offered to continue to support 
Kanzeon to the extent he can. Therefore, donations you wish to make to enable 
the Board to implement item 6 below would be welcomed. 
5. Public Statement of Apology. Genpo has apologized and his apology is posted 
at He continues to talk full 
responsibility for the harm his actions have caused. 
6. Outside expert assistance. Taido Sensei has been in contact with several 
Dharma teachers in the White Plum Asanga, who have offered their support and 
willingness to come to Kanzeon to share their skills as teachers, therapists, 
and leaders who have experienced the problems of leading centers through 
similar crises. The Board in consultation with Taido Sensei will develop a plan 
that will include consultation with and participation of these and other Zen 
teachers. The Board has also been in contact with organizations, which can 
provide experienced, objective, professional assistance in guiding us to the 
creation of a healthier sangha with proper safeguards and strategies to avoid 
any future misconduct and abuse. 
As you might expect, these activities are occurring in an environment that is 
under great stress. The Center’s very small staff which is implementing the 
changes we have set in motion, is struggling to maintain the Center’s schedule 
and commitments in financially constricted conditions, not to mention the 
strong daily practice which all agree is vital especially now, while at the 
same time coping with a deluge of phone calls and emails engendered by the 
ever-increasing volume of recommendations and calls for action like yours. 
Long-time bonds of respect and friendship among members of the sangha are being 
frayed and broken. People with little or no connection to our sangha or Center 
have appeared at meetings designed to promote healing only to offer their own 
inflammatory views on our situation. Our Zendo has been vandalized, a beloved 
statue stolen from the altar. 
Under these circumstances, we respectfully request that those people who 
sincerely hope that we at Kanzeon survive and heal as a community, and create 
an environment and adopt procedures that lessen the possibility of any future 
misconduct or abuse, will extend us a little patience and allow us the time and 
breathing space to restore the peace and harmony of the sangha and the strength 
and sound practice of its members. Genpo Merzel has repeatedly reiterated his 
full support for all of the actions taken by the Board and Sensei as outlined 
Board of Trustees of Kanzeon, Inc. 

Kanzeon Zen Center
1268 E. South Temple 
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Anthony Wu <> wrote:


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