on 29/07/2009 17:24 Andre van Eyssen said the following:
> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Andriy Gapon wrote:
>> "Subdirectory is automatically a new filesystem" property - an
>> administrator turns
>> on this magic property of a filesystem, after that every mkdir *in the
>> root* of
>> that filesystem creates a new filesystem. The new filesystems have
>> default/inherited properties except for the magic property which is off.
>> Right now I see this as being mostly useful for /home. Main benefit in
>> this case
>> is that various user administration tools can work unmodified and do
>> the right
>> thing when an administrator wants a policy of a separate fs per user
>> But I am sure that there could be other interesting uses for this.
> It's a nice idea, but zfs filesystems consume memory and have overhead.
> This would make it trivial for a non-root user (assuming they have
> permissions) to crush the host under the weight of .. mkdir.

Well, I specifically stated that this property should not be recursive, i.e. it
should work only in a root of a filesystem.
When setting this property on a filesystem an administrator should carefully set
permissions to make sure that only trusted entities can create directories 

'rmdir' question requires some thinking, my first reaction is it should do zfs

Andriy Gapon
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