Andriy Gapon wrote:
What do you think about the following feature?

"Subdirectory is automatically a new filesystem" property - an administrator 
on this magic property of a filesystem, after that every mkdir *in the root* of
that filesystem creates a new filesystem. The new filesystems have
default/inherited properties except for the magic property which is off.

Right now I see this as being mostly useful for /home. Main benefit in this case
is that various user administration tools can work unmodified and do the right
thing when an administrator wants a policy of a separate fs per user
But I am sure that there could be other interesting uses for this.

But now that quotas are working properly, Why would you want to continue the hack of 1 FS per user?

I'm seriously curious here. In my view it's just more work. A more cluttered zfs list, and share output. A lot less straight forward and simple too.
Why bother? What's the benefit?


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