On Thu, Aug 04, 2011 at 03:52:39AM -0700, Stuart James Whitefish wrote:
> Jim wrote:
> >> But I may be wrong, and anyway the single user shell in the u9 DVD also 
> >> panics when I try to import tank so maybe that won't help.
> Ian wrote:
> > Put your old drive in a USB enclosure and connect it
> > to another system in order to read back the data.
> Given that update 9 can't import the pool is this really worth trying?
> I would have to buy the enclosures, if I had them already I would have tried 
> it in 
> desperation.
> Jim wrote:
> > > I have only 4 sata ports on this Intel box so I have to keep pulling 
> > > cables to be 
> > > able to boot from a DVD and then I won't have all my drives available. I 
> > > cannot 
> > > move these drives to any other box because they are consumer drives and 
> > > my 
> > > servers all have ultras.
> Ian wrote:
> > Most modern boards will be boot from a live USB
> > stick.
> True but I haven't found a way to get an ISO onto a USB that my system can 
> boot from it. I was using DD to copy the iso to the usb drive. Is there some 
> other way?

Maybe give http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ a try.


> This is really frustrating. I haven't had any problems with Linux filesystems 
> but I heard ZFS was safer. It's really ironic that I lost access to so much 
> data after moving it to ZFS. Isn't there any way to get them back on my newly 
> installed U8 system? If I disconnect this pool the system starts fine. 
> Otherwise my questions above in my summary post might be key to getting this 
> working.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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