-- Jim Cobabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sounds like we need not follow prophetic counsel as long as our 
circumstances make it inconvenient or uncomfortable for us.

Am I getting this right?

This is an unfair, sweeping, judgemental condemnation of women who work. I don't know 
if you are even married, or if she works, but you'd better thank your lucky stars if 
she does not have too.  That only means you have been blessed and does not mean you 
have powers of judgement. 

When abiding prophetic counsel, usually the living prophet "trumps" older counsel.  
Otherwise, we'd still be practicing polygamy! 

So it depends on which prophetic counsel you are referencing.  If you are referring to 
GBH's most recent comments on women who need to work, then I am abiding it just fine.  
But, if you are referring to the archaic counsel that women should not work, then call 
me an apostate.  

I am sure the Lord doesn't have a problem with me supporting my family.  My husband is 
unable to because he is, well, dead!  Sure, I could live on Social Security, but that 
would not even cover my utilities, let alone my house payment, taxes, cemetery, etc.  
Of course, me and the kids do still need to eat, so groceries would have to go too.  
And I cannot expect the church to support me and my kids--that's just ludicrous.

If putting a leaky roof over my kids' heads is a convenience, then I work because 
otherwise it would be inconvenient to live on the streets.

If feeding my kids and keeping them warm is comfortable, then I work because otherwise 
we would be uncomfortable freezing in the winter or baking in the summer.

I've usually respected your comments, Jim, but you really ticked me off with this one!

val--from her JOB!
{watch out for the lightening strikes heading my way!}

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