On Nov 4, 2003, at 7:47 PM, George Cobabe wrote:

Ron, You may be right. As a matter of fact I agree with you.

However, Elder Nelson does not. He says that God's love is conditional upon

I think this is a difficult point.

Certain aspects of God's love are without question unconditional. For example, everyone is resurrected, no matter how badly they flunk the test of mortality. It's also interesting that even those in the Telestial Kingdom receive some degree of glory.

On the other hand, it is possible to get the Lord very angry with you. Martin Harris comes to mind, for example. He failed to keep his covenants, and it was a long time before the Lord forgave him. Martin lost many of the blessings he otherwise would have had had he properly maintained the 118 pages, but his repentance was sincere. He was then permitted to hear the voice of God and see an angel.

It's also true that there is a limited number of times one can repent of adultery. Clearly the atonement is not a blank check to commit sin.

Harold Stuart

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