Jerry Jelinek wrote On 08/16/06 18:14,:

Thanks for your comments.  Responses in-line.

Steffen Weiberle wrote:

Hi Jerry, this is great.

I have a few comments below.


1) "Hard" vs. "Soft" RM configuration within zonecfg

    We will enhance zonecfg(1M) so that the user can configure basic RM
    capabilities in a structured way.

    Various existing and upcoming RM features can be broken down
    into "hard" vs. "soft" partitioning of the system's resources.
    With "hard" partitioning, resources are dedicated to the zone using
    processor sets (psets) and memory sets (msets).  With "soft"
    partitioning, resources are shared, but capped, with an upper limit
    on their use by the zone.

                         Hard    |    Soft
               cpu    |  psets   |  cpu-caps
               memory |  msets   |  rcapd

    Within zonecfg we will organize these various RM features into four
basic zonecfg resources so that it is simple for a user to understand
    and configure the RM features that are to be used with their zone.
    Note that zonecfg "resources" are not the same as the system's
    cpu & memory resources or "resource management".  Within zonecfg, a
"resource" is the name of a top-level property group for the zone (see
    zonecfg(1M) for more information).

Are you saying just the names are different, or are there other differences as well?

Unfortunately the word "resource" is overloaded here.  zonecfg(1M) uses
it to mean a group of properties which has nothing to do with
system resources (e.g. cpu or memory) or how the word "resource" is
used under the umbrella of Solaris Resource Management.

Now I am more confused. You mean

zonecfg               pool[adm,cfg]
-------               ------------
dedicated-cpu    !=   CPU resource pool (pset and pool)
capped-cpu       !=   cpu-caps
dedicated-memory !=   memory resource pool

    The four new zonecfg resources are:
        capped-cpu       (future, after cpu-caps are integrated)
        dedicated-memory (future, after memory sets are integrated)

    Each of these zonecfg resources will have properties that are
    appropriate to the RM capabilities associated with that resource.
    Zonecfg will only allow one instance of each these resource to be
    configured and it will not allow conflicting resources to be added
    (e.g. dedicated-cpu and capped-cpu are mutually exclusive).

The mapping of these new zonecfg resources to the underlying RM feature
        dedicated-cpu -> temporary pset
        dedicated-memory -> temporary mset
        capped-cpu -> cpu-cap rctl [14]
        capped-memory -> rcapd running in global zone

2) Temporary Pools.

    We will implement the concept of "temporary pools" within the pools

    To improve the integration of zones and pools we are allowing the
    configuration of some basic pool attributes within zonecfg, as
    described above in section 1.  However, we do not want to extend
zonecfg to completely and directly manage standard pool configurations. That would lead to confusion and inconsistency regarding which tool to use and where configuration data is stored. Temporary pools sidesteps this problem and allows zones to dynamically create a simple pool/pset
    configuration for the basic case where a sysadmin just wants a
specified number of processors dedicated to the zone (and eventually a
    dedicated amount of memory).

    We believe that the ability to simply specify a fixed number of cpus
(and eventually a mset size) meets the needs of a large percentage of
    zones users who need "hard" partitioning (e.g. to meet licensing

If a dedicated-cpu (and/or eventually a dedicated-memory) resource is configured for the zone, then when the zone boots zoneadmd will enable pools if necessary and create a temporary pool dedicated for the zones use. Zoneadmd will dynamically create a pool & pset (and/or eventually
    a mset) and assign the number of cpus specified in zonecfg to that
    pset.  The temporary pool & pset will be named 'SUNWtmp_{zonename}'.
    Zonecfg validation will disallow an explicit 'pool' property name
    beginning with 'SUNWtmp'.

    Zoneadmd will set the 'pset.min' and 'pset.max' pset properties, as
    well as the 'pool.importance' pool property, based on the values
    specified for dedicated-cpu's 'ncpus' and 'importance' properties
    in zonecfg, as described above in section 1.

    If the cpu (or memory) resources needed to create the temporary pool
are unavailable, zoneadmd will issue an error and the zone won't boot.

When the zone is halted, the temporary pool & pset will be destroyed.

We will add a new boolean libpool(3LIB) property ('temporary') that can
    exist on pools and any pool resource set.  The 'temporary' property
indicates that the pool or resource set should never be committed to a
    static configuration (e.g. pooladm -s) and that it should never be
    destroyed when updating the dynamic configuration from a static
configuration (e.g. pooladm -c). These temporary pools/resources can
    only be managed in the dynamic configuration.  Support for temporary
    pools will be implemented within libpool(3LIB) using the two new
    consolidation private functions listed in the interface table below.

    It is our expectation that most users will never need to manage
temporary pools through the existing poolcfg(1M) commands. For users
    who need more sophisticated pool configuration and management, the
    existing 'pool' resource within zonecfg should be used and users
should manually create a permanent pool using the existing mechanisms.

Will the existing pool commands show the results as if they were created using those commands? It would be a useful learning and templating tool to apply the resulting configuration(s) to scripts using the existing commands for the future.

No, that is not part of this proposal.  I am actually not quite sure what
you are asking here.  Maybe we could take that offline?

I'll clarify here because it may be of general interest. When playing with CPU resource pools you use poolcfg, pooladm, poolstat. If I have not configured any resouce pools and configure a zone with resources via zonecfg, when the zone is running, do the pool* commands reflect the temporary pool or do they show just the default?

If you have not configured a pool, poolstat, for example, returns

poolstat: couldn't open pools state file: Facility is not active

Will it still behave like that? Or will the system now reflect that resource pools are in use, just not configured using the existing commands?

Does the concept of "temporary" make it invisible to the standard pool tools?

    Here are the aliases we will define for the rctls:
    alias        rctl            priv        action
    -----        ----            ----        ------
    max-lwps    zone.max-lwps        privileged    deny
    cpu-shares    zone.cpu-shares        privileged    none

    Coming in the near future, once the associated projects
    integrate [14, 17, 18]
    alias        rctl            priv        action
    -----        ----            ----        ------
    cpu-cap        zone.cpu-cap        privileged    deny
    max-locked-memory zone.max-locked-memory privileged    deny
    max-shm-memory    zone.max-shm-memory    privileged    deny
    max-shm-ids    zone.max-shm-ids    privileged    deny
    max-msg-ids    zone.max-msg-ids    privileged    deny
    max-sem-ids    zone.max-sem-ids    privileged    deny

What is the purpose of some of these zone.* controls? Is it to limit what a priviliged user can set the values to for projects, etc. in that zone or does it set the defaults for the zone as well.

These set the upper limits for the zone as a whole.  Thus, the
non-global zone admin cannot exceed these since they are controlled
by the global zone admin.


I can see it being easier to configure different DB zones from the global zone via zonecfg than having to enter, delegate, and educate the zone users how to set them. I'm leaning towards making these the defaults for the zone, not the just limit.

You won't be able to override these in the non-global zone.

What happens if zonecfg sets them lower than the Solaris defaults? Will they be at the default and when an admin tries to set them the limit is enforced, or will they already be lowered? Or will the setting not be accepted, with an error message?

Thanks again,

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