Jens Elkner writes:
> > In general, if you want new features quickly, you'll
> > want to use
> > Solaris Express.
> Yes, actually I really wanna use Express (since Sol 10 software is pretty 
> much out of date - especially GNOME). But unfortunately it is not supported 
> by SUN so no chance to use it ... :((((

Solaris Express is supported.  You can buy support contracts on it.

It's just not supported in exactly the same way as S10.

> BTW: Found a workaround (at least for my case): 
> pkginfo | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep SUNWstaroffice 
> >>/var/sadm/install/gz-only-packages
> This reduced the zone size from ~ 950 to ~ 520 MB and the zone install time 
> from ~ 20 to 14 min.
> Any objections against this workaround ?

None, except that it depends on an implementation detail and thus
might stop working at any time and _may_ interfere with upgrade.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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