Krzys wrote:
> I am not sure if this question was already asked or not, but can you please 
> tell 
> me or point me to links where I can find what are the benefits or problems to 
> have Sparse vs. Whole Root Zones?
> Here is what I have so far, please correct me if I'm wron on any of them.
> Whole Root Zones
> * Each zone is assigned its own root file system and cannot see that of others
the bit about "cannot see that of others" applies to any type of zone ( 
sparse branded etc )
> * A zone can be created as a whole-rootzone
>   > The zone gets its own writable copy of all Solaris file systems
it gets it's own writable copies of /usr /platform /sbin /lib to be 
percise, along with all the otehr file systems.
> * Advantages of a whole root zone
>   > installation of software such as WebSphere MQ v6.0 is easily acomplished 
> since MQ must be installed into an environment where /opt and /usr are 
> writable.
>   > portability
yes, some software does require writable /usr
> Sparse Zones
>   > The default file system configuration is called a sparse-rootzone
>   > The zone contains its own writable /etc, /var, /proc, /dev
these are writable in any zone type assuming default install.
>   > Inherited file systems (/usr, /lib, /platform, /sbin) are read-only 
> mounted via a loopback file system (LOFS)
>   > /opt is a good candidate for inheriting
possibly, but depends really on whether you want your zone to be able to 
write to /opt or not.
> * Advantages of a sparse root zone
>   > Faster patching and installation due to inheritance of /usr and /lib
>   > Read-only access prevents trojan horse attacks against other zones
not really applicable as such in my opinion, each sparse root zone will 
see the global zone's /usr for instance. But cannot modify /usr in any way.
>   > Libraries shared across all zones reducing VM footprint
yes, but not really an issue unless you run a massive amount of zones 
and don't have resources to cope.

BTW if you just want /usr writable, then you could leave the other file 
systems such as /lib /platform and /sbin as inherited.

But it depends on what software you are trying to install ( and where it 
wants to write to )

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