
 From the package list I assume you are running Solaris 10, not OpenSolaris.

I suppose you can leave out the X11-related packages, but it isn't a 
valid assumption that a headless system doesn't need these packages. X11 
applications can be remotely displayed using X protocol, or via Xvnc to 
a system with a framebuffer.

Since you state that other systems you've built have worked so far, I 
guess you've got your answer.


Christine Tran wrote:
> Cross-posted, pardon me for duplicates.
> I'm building a system starting with SUNWCrnet, it needs zones and TX.
> Using the fine Solaris Package Companion tool, I'm down to the
> following:
> [C] SUNWCzone    XXXXXX                Solaris Zones
>   [P] SUNWzoner  PASSED                Solaris Zones (Root)
>   [P] SUNWzoneu  XXXXXX                Solaris Zones (Usr)
>    x [P] SUNWadmfr            System & Network Administration
> Framework Configuration
>    x [P] SUNWadmfw            System & Network Administration Framework
>    x [P] SUNWctpls            Portable layout services for Complex
> Text Layout support
>    x [P] SUNWdtcor            Solaris Desktop /usr/dt filesystem anchor
>    x [P] SUNWj5rt             JDK 5.0 Runtime Env. (1.5.0_14)
>    x [P] SUNWmfrun            Motif RunTime Kit
>    x [P] SUNWpool             Resource Pools
>    x [P] SUNWpoolr            Resource Pools (Root)
>    x [P] SUNWxwdv             X Windows System Window Drivers
>    x [P] SUNWxwfnt            X Window System platform required fonts
>    x [P] SUNWxwice            X Window System Inter-Client Exchange
> (ICE) Components
>    x [P] SUNWxwplr            X Window System platform software configuration
>    x [P] SUNWxwplt            X Window System platform software
>    x [P] SUNWxwrtl            X Window System & Graphics Runtime
> Library Links in /usr
> /lib
> [C] SUNWCts      XXXXXX                Solaris Trusted Extensions
>   [P] SUNWtsg    XXXXXX                Trusted Extensions global
>   [P] SUNWtsu    XXXXXX                Trusted Extensions, (Usr)
>   [P] SUNWtsr    XXXXXX                Trusted Extensions, (Root)
>    x [P] SUNWctpls            Portable layout services for Complex
> Text Layout support
>    x [P] SUNWdtbas            CDE application basic runtime environment
>    x [P] SUNWdtcor            Solaris Desktop /usr/dt filesystem anchor
>    x [P] SUNWmfrun            Motif RunTime Kit
>    x [P] SUNWxwcft            X Window System common (not required) fonts
>    x [P] SUNWxwdv             X Windows System Window Drivers
>    x [P] SUNWxwfnt            X Window System platform required fonts
>    x [P] SUNWxwice            X Window System Inter-Client Exchange
> (ICE) Components
>    x [P] SUNWxwopt            X Window System Optional Clients
>    x [P] SUNWxwplr            X Window System platform software configuration
>    x [P] SUNWxwplt            X Window System platform software
>    x [P] SUNWxwrtl            X Window System & Graphics Runtime
> Library Links in /usr
> /lib
> The x indicates missing packages not in SUNWCrnet.
> I wonder if the X Window, Motif, CDE and Text Layout is *really*
> necessary.  I don't have a problem adding pools and the two admin
> packages.  Other boxes built without these packages have worked fine
> so far.  However, eventually they will need support, and I don't want
> to be in that place where I have to explain why a headless box that
> runs no graphics needs X, and un-supportability.
> Thanks!
> CT
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