In message <>, John D Groenveld wr
>My nightly backup consist of zone shutdown, detach, snapshot,
>attach, boot.

Here's the output from that cron:
Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/
    Installing: Using existing zone boot environment
      Zone BE root dataset: rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/ROOT/zbe-3
                     Cache: Using /var/pkg/publisher.
Updating image format
  Updating non-global zone: Linking to image /.
  Updating non-global zone: Auditing packages.
No updates necessary for this image.

  Updating non-global zone: Zone updated.
                    Result: Attach Succeeded.
Log saved in non-global zone as 

Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/
    Installing: Using existing zone boot environment
Manual migration of export required.  Potential conflicts in
/var/opt/zones/search-1/root/export and rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/export.
      Zone BE root dataset: rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/ROOT/zbe-3
                     Cache: Using /var/pkg/publisher.
Updating image format
  Updating non-global zone: Linking to image /.
  Updating non-global zone: Auditing packages.
No updates necessary for this image.

  Updating non-global zone: Zone updated.
                    Result: Attach Succeeded.
Log saved in non-global zone as 

Progress being logged to /var/log/zones/
    Installing: Using existing zone boot environment
ERROR: Error: Command <zfs mount -o nodevices,mountpoint=/tmp/tmp.TcaOah/export 
rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/export> exited with status 1
ERROR: ZFS temporary mount of rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/export on 
/tmp/tmp.TcaOah/export failed.
ERROR: Error: migration of /export from active boot environment to the zone's
rpool/export dataset failed.  Manual cleanup required.
      Zone BE root dataset: rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/ROOT/zbe-3
                     Cache: Using /var/pkg/publisher.
Updating image format
  Updating non-global zone: Linking to image /.
  Updating non-global zone: Auditing packages.
No updates necessary for this image.

  Updating non-global zone: Zone updated.
                    Result: Attach Succeeded.
Log saved in non-global zone as 

Lots of evil in attach log:
[Sun Jan  1 21:11:30 EST 2012] Mounting 
rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/export/home at /tmp/tmp.7kayqJ/export/home with 
ZFS temporary mount
cannot unmount '/tmp/tmp.7kayqJ/export/home': Device busy
cannot unmount '/tmp/tmp.7kayqJ/export': Device busy
rmdir: directory "/tmp/tmp.7kayqJ": Directory not empty

[Mon Jan  2 21:21:37 EST 2012] Mounting rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/export at
 /tmp/tmp.TcaOah/export with ZFS temporary mount
cannot mount 'rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/export': filesystem already mounted
[Mon Jan  2 21:21:37 EST 2012] ERROR: Error: Command <zfs mount -o nodevices,mou
ntpoint=/tmp/tmp.TcaOah/export rpool/var/zones/search-1/rpool/export> exited wit
h status 1
[Mon Jan  2 21:21:37 EST 2012] ERROR: ZFS temporary mount of rpool/var/zones/sea
rch-1/rpool/export on /tmp/tmp.TcaOah/export failed.
rmdir: directory "/tmp/tmp.TcaOah": Directory not empty
[Mon Jan  2 21:21:37 EST 2012] ERROR: Error: migration of /export from active bo
ot environment to the zone's
rpool/export dataset failed.  Manual cleanup required.

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