Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On Mar 7, 2008, at 11:00 , Wichert Akkerman wrote:
I'm happy to see there are no objections. Who is going to make that
release? Jens hasn't responded so perhaps someone else will need to do
that. Tres, can you take care of this?

I haven't had any time this week. I may be able to do it some time

Thanks Jens, that would be much appreciated. FYI I've pushed back the
Plone 3.1 release to Sunday noon CET, so I no longer need this release
today; tomorrow will be fine as well.

I'm running the tests on the current GS trunk and see a dozen errors like the traceback below. Right now my setup is Zope from the 2.10 branch after 2.10.4, maybe a few weeks old. I'm not using buildout or easy_install, I simply link <GS>/Products/GenericSetup folder into my instance's Products Folder the old-fashioned way, and then use "bin/zopectl test" to run the tests. Does anyone else see these?

Hi Jens,

I just tried linking a GS trunk checkout into a Zope-2.10.5-final
standalone (build by the Plone Universal installer for Plone 3.0.6
if that matters) and all tests pass.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Plone-3.0.6/zinstance$ bin/zopectl test -s Products.GenericSetup Running tests via: /home/ritz/Plone-3.0.6/Python-2.4.4/bin/python /home/ritz/Plone-3.0.6/bin/ -v --config-file /home/ritz/Plone-3.0.6/zinstance/etc/zope.conf -s Products.GenericSetup
Parsing /home/ritz/Plone-3.0.6/zinstance/etc/zope.conf
Running tests at level 1
Installing GenericSetup ... done (0.012s)
Running unit tests:
  Ran 197 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.936 seconds.
Running Products.GenericSetup.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer tests:
Set up Products.GenericSetup.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.359 seconds.
  Ran 186 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1.469 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
Tear down Products.GenericSetup.testing.ExportImportZCMLLayer in 0.001 seconds.
Total: 383 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Plone-3.0.6/zinstance/Products$ svn info GenericSetup/
Path: GenericSetup
URL: svn://
Repository Root: svn://
Repository UUID: 62d5b8a3-27da-0310-9561-8e5933582275
Revision: 84524
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: witsch
Last Changed Rev: 84478
Last Changed Date: 2008-03-05 10:33:15 +0100 (Wed, 05 Mar 2008)




Error in test test_runAllImportSteps_unicode_profile_id_creates_reports (Products.GenericSetup.tests.test_tool.SetupToolTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/zope/src/Zope-2.10-branch/lib/python/Testing/ZopeTestCase/", line 98, in __call__
File "/usr/local/zope/210Instance/Products/GenericSetup/tests/", line 447, in test_runAllImportSteps_unicode_profile_id_creates_reports
File "/usr/local/zope/210Instance/Products/GenericSetup/", line 390, in runAllImportStepsFromProfile
File "/usr/local/zope/210Instance/Products/GenericSetup/", line 1180, in _runImportStepsFromContext
    message = self._doRunImportStep(step, context)
File "/usr/local/zope/210Instance/Products/GenericSetup/", line 1094, in _doRunImportStep
    return handler(context)
File "/usr/local/zope/210Instance/Products/GenericSetup/", line 242, in importComponentRegistry
    sm = getSiteManager(context.getSite())
File "/usr/local/zope/opt/Zope-2.10-branch/lib/python/zope/component/", line 48, in getSiteManager
    raise ComponentLookupError(*error.args)
ComponentLookupError: ('Could not adapt', <Folder at /site>, <InterfaceClass zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup>)

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