
> Alright... so you're getting an OSError 11, and you're using Zope 2.3.1.
> errno 11 is "temporarily unavailable" which means about as much as "foobar
> feeblefar" as far as I'm concerned ;-).

great :)

> Though you've said the -M log isn't helpful here, I think it is.  If this is
> happening when a certain method is hit, or at a certain time of day, or when
> a certain number of connections are reached, etc., the -M log in combination
> with requestprofiler can help determine this.  Otherwise it's a guessing
> game.

ok, just thought that maybe some exception can be caught.. I will try to use
requestprofiler now, though I checked the -M log before and around that time
there was no obvious problem.. (also it's not loaded at the moment and it's 
happening here and then, don't see a pattern there..)

I will check (and maybe change the mysql adapter, as I recently had problems with
it on a sun machine, too).

thanks anyway :)


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