Evan Simpson wrote:
Lennart Regebro wrote:

I will check this into head this evening, and unless people scream tomorrow
I will check it into the 2.7 branch.

Please hold off. I've been meaning to revisit this for a while, and I have a bit of time to do so today and tomorrow. Also, virtual hosting is properly the domain of the request object, not the object being traversed. This is why the modified absolute_url() uses REQUEST.physicalPathToURL.


I'm missing a REQUEST variable that represents the URL requested by the browser.

'PATH_INFO' doesn't show the virtual URL:

'URL' might be changed by __before_publishing_traverse__ or __browser_default__:

So I think it would be great if VHM would add a variable like 'REQUESTED_URL' (should have a better name) that isn't further modified on traversal.

Just my 2 cents.


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