Hanno Schlichting wrote:
Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
Log message for revision 80945:
  Moved two implements declarations from Five into the proper classes.
I object to this change. HTTPRequest does not really fulfil the
IBrowserRequest interface, and ObjectManager isn't a real IContainer
either. I understand that somebody made a mistake when they declared
them as such in the early days of Five. This is the reason we can't take
it back. But, at least as a sign of the fact that they're not (yet) the
real deal, this declaration has remained in ZCML.

Hiding the interface declaration in some exotic place in ZCML isn't very
helpful IMO. We can add a comment to the implements directive in both
classes that these are not implementing the full interface, though. Five
isn't just an add-on anymore but a core part of Zope2, moving things
into the proper places, should make it easier for those people, who
haven't followed the whole history of Five.

I think that makes sense. Add in these in but *with* a clear comment that this is actually a lie. We simply move the lie to a more prominent place this way, increasing the chances it'll bother people enough to actually working on fixing it.



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