Martijn Faassen wrote:
Chris Withers wrote:
Lennart Regebro wrote:
I agree. And as long as you move from one version to the next, it's
not a problems, since we have BBB-code.

I'm sorry, I don't buy this. BBB code goes away, that means you have to deal with the churn at some point. It's the churn that's the problem...

Just to give some real data on this from someone who actually spent time updating applications: the churn is there, but it's like this causes absolutely massive amounts of work, and the deprecation warnings are usually pretty helpful.

I meant to write "it's *not* like this causes absolutely massive amounts of work".

That said, in my case I didn't have to worry about upgrading content very much. Upgrading a ZODB is probably the most painful of it all - this is what Christian Theune seems to refer to with his reply mentioning generations.

Upgrading content is also the most painful part of any Silva upgrade. I imagine it may be similarly difficult for upgrading, say, Plone, too.


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