
I think I found a bug in zope.wfmc.
Let's say the Review>Publish and Review>Reject transitions are guarded
by conditions.
                           -->| Publish |
  ----------   ---------- /   -----------
  | Author |-->| Review |-    ----------
  ----------   ---------- \-->| Reject |

If at Review.workItemFinished() both conditions are still _FALSE_ the
wfmc package finishes the whole process.
I think the correct behaviour should be to not to allow to finish the
Maybe an exception should be raised?
No, an exception _must_ be raised that rolls the transaction back,
because before I call workItemFinished I add a whole lot of stuff to
the DB.

Best regards,
 Adam                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quote of the day:
LISP:  To call a spade a thpade.

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