Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
Am Sonntag, 2. September 2007 08:18 schrieb Andreas Jung:
--On 1. September 2007 16:21:23 -0400 Stephan Richter

On Saturday 01 September 2007 15:33, Martijn Faassen wrote:
I think Zope will be on Python 2.x for many years to come.
I really hope not. A friend of mine and I want to get a bit involved in
Python  3000 once it is stable enough that the standard libs can get some
attention.  At this point I really want to have an initial look at
porting Zope 3  packages to Python 3. I really hope we can move to Python
3 in a reasonable  amount of time.
What are the major benefits from moving to Python 3? The major and most
important change I see in Py3K is the string-as-unicode implementation.
That's a big advantage. However everything else is in some way syntactical
sugar. Py3k still won't run on multiple CPUs, it still uses the GIL...
improvements in this area would be arguments for me to move to Py3K.
Only speaking for my self, I don't see major improvements that would my
daily Python experience significantly.

I personally have the same impression. The string-as-unicode implementation is a real advantage, moreover I also like many of the syntactic changes. What I would like to see, however, is a native implementation of interfaces, which seems not really to be the case.

Moreover, as you stated above, Python 3 will still use the GIL, which is a shame, as it's still a "uni-processor language". This should be the #1 problem to be addressed, as multi-processor systems are now coming up so fast, however, it seems this is postponed to Python 4000. :-(

That's the real problem I see, as in ~ 4 years 8-core systems may be standard and Python 2/3 will only be capable of using 1/8 of the processing power.

Best Regards,

Zope's solution to this (multiple processes, ZEO) seems eminently sensible, it's a lot less hard on the brain than multithreading and it works now.


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