On Feb 7, 2008 4:12 PM, Christophe Combelles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe the best way to have a password validation would be to let the
> PasswordWidget display two password fields and check itself the values are 
> the same?

Maybe PasswordCheckWidget derived from PasswordWidget with this validation.

I'll do the same thing, customized user profile with z3c.form or zope.formlib.
Anyone test if z3c.form work with Zope2.9 and Five1.4?

> Christophe Combelles a écrit :
> > Hermann Himmelbauer a écrit :
> >> Hi,
> >> I'm creating a simple user-administration,
> >
> > Hi, I'm currently doing exactly the same thing :)
> > (user management with z3c.form, and the class for my users derives from
> > zope.app.authentication.principalfolder.InternalPrincipal )
> >
> >> which requires the user to type in the password and a password
> >> confirmation. For that, I have an interface which contains the
> >> attributes "password" and "password_confirm". Of course, only the
> >> password is stored as an object attribute.
> >>
> >> When I now use form.EditForm for editing this object, z3c.form raises
> >> an error as it cannot find the required attribute in the context for
> >> the "password_confirm" widget.
> >
> > I'm not sure this is a good idea to have "password_confirm" in the
> > interface, because it would mean that your user has two passwords (from
> > an interface point-of-view). The password confirmation should just be
> > part of the form validation. Maybe you have to manually add a field in
> > the form (I'm just going to try that).
> > If you really want to have both password in the interface, you have to
> > implement both attribute, and the password_confirm can just be a
> > property whose 'get' retrieves the password and whose 'set' just checks
> > that the value (that should actually be a hash) is the same as the
> > 'password'.
> >
> > Christophe
> >
> >>
> >> What's the suggested way to circumvent this problem?
> >>
> >> Best Regards,
> >> Hermann
> >>
> >
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Weimar Consultoria


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