Thomas Lotze wrote:
Tonico Strasser wrote:

Just for my understanding: would it be possible to dynamically create
macros with strictinsert=True?:

It means that if <div tal:content="structure foo/bar" /> is interpreted
with strictinsert=True on the TALInterpreter used, foo/bar had better
resolve to something well-formed.

If that was the only behavior, it would be a mildly interesting feature for some use cases, but...

  tal:repeat="name python: ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')" tal:replace="structure
  string:&lt;div metal:define-macro='$name'/&gt;" />

this is definitely something we DON'T want, a potential security hole and useless feature.

+1 on removing strictinsert.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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