| I'm astonished to hear that the Dead Sea Scrolls have been translated to abc,
| it's more versatile than I thought ;)   But all kidding aside, the ultimate value
| of tunes as a resource is to be found when you've got a sizeable quantity of
| them freely available for expert users (and here, by the way, I refer to
| expert users of the _tunes_, not expert users of software or computers)
| to index, compare, listen, comment on, and quickly contribute to the
| growing quantity of source material.   abc strikes a pretty good balance of
| being machine parsable (in spite of some nasties like line-end treatments)
| and human-writeable.   Now if we could only embed a GIF into the abc,
| life would be perfect (just mark up the paper and scan it in...!)

Y'know, this is one thing that XML will probably handle pretty  well.
I wonder if we could do something similar with the letters above G? I
can see a definition:

  m: Q=<URL:http://foo.bar.org/img/squiggle.gif>

The program would handle the Q ornament by fetching the image and
applying it to the next note.

But it would probably need some tweaking.  The image would be a fixed
size, and would need to be scaled to match the staff size, etc.

It's worth thinking about.  Maybe for ABC version 2.0 ...

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