Atte asked:
| Some tunes are not in any specific key, but it seems abc doesn't have
| any way to notate this. If I use K:C the song is shown correctly, but
| this opviously is corrupted when transposing it.
| Is there a solution withinn the current abc definition that I overlooked
| or should we consider extending the K: to allow K:none?

Some abc programs have supported this for several years already. I've
used  it  occasionally,  though not very often.  It's most useful for
notating  fragments  of  music,  for  example  in  documentation  and
tutorial docs.

Implementing it is usually trivial, as it maps internally to the same
thing  as  K:C.  The only real advantage of K:none is that it doesn't
match when you search for K:C (or K:Am or K:Ddor).  Of  course,  just
"K:"  alone  also works for this.  Most software should support that,
too, by mapping it to the same thing as K:C internally.

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