Chris, a.o.

On 10/06/2016 11:55 PM, chris hermansen wrote:
> Marve and list,
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:13 PM, marve <
> <>> wrote:
>     Chris, a.o.
>     Thanks for your suggestions!
>     On 10/05/2016 10:19 PM, chris hermansen wrote:
> [stuff deleted]
>>     Second, I have spent endless hours futzing around with crappy
>>     intermittent optical connectors and poorly-designed sockets. 
>>     Have you any other options to try?
>     I'm not sure what you mean!
>     I used to have windows 7 on my system, where the TOSLINK SPDIF
>     worked well. A couple of weeks a go I checked my receiver with a
>     playstation and this works, so the receiver isn't broken.
>     At the moment I'm using the internal speakers of my Dell. There
>     are HDMI outputs on the Dell, but my receiver hasn't got any of
>     that. Only optical and coaxial SPDIF (my computer only has the
>     optical).
> Marve, what I mean here is have you tried other configurations that do
> work, to isolate for certain that the problem is the Dell + Mint?
> For instance, you say "a couple of weeks ago I checked my receiver
> with a playstation".  You should check it again.
> Also, you should try a different TOSLINK connector that is (very
> recently) known good, ideally the one you just used to check your
> playstation.
Yes, it was one of the trouble shoot steps I toke, connecting my PS3 to
the receiver. I actually used the same optical cable and it worked!

> Finally it would be good to try your Dell optical connected to a
> different receiver.
I'll see if I can do this in the near future!
>>     Third, when you send audio to the device, does the situation change?
>     This is kind of annoying! When I open Pulse Audio Volume Control I
>     can select the Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output (Configuration) and
>     the Digital Output S/PDIF (Output Device). Then, when I "send
>     audio" for example, the volume meter on the Pulse Audio windows
>     starts dancing, but there is no sound coming from the speakers!
> Do you see anything odd in syslog / with dmesg?  Any error messages
> when you start to try to play something?
When I switch between Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output and Analog Stereo
Duplex there are some rtkit-daemon messages, but no errors.
> Did you run and share with this list (sorry I forget)?

> Have you tried using aplay with the appropriate device?
> Seeing as you have Jack, Pulse and (I guess ALSA) installed... Not
> knowing anything about Jack, have you tried booting from a live CD to
> see if sound works without Jack?
I'll try this too!

Thanks again!

> -- 
> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com
> C'est ma façon de parler.

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