On Thu, 2008-08-21 at 17:34 -0400, Jim Davidson wrote:
> So, technically this was a case where  
> we dynamically created code which was later read by ADP (which had the  
> same dev/inode cache stuff as fastpath).  However, this was done  
> carefully:
> -- Tcl-level mutex/condition variables to ensure only one thread did  
> the "hard" work even if several were interested in the result
> -- Careful write to a non .adp extension, unique temp file
> -- Atomic rename in place when ready
> It was a combination of traditional atomic Unix filesystem semantics  
> and newer thread synchronization at the Tcl level used to avoid ever  
> getting some mutant result.

Here is an example using Tcl level commands (although a hidden use of
mutex/condition vars:

# save datastore to file
# Note: a data.tmp file is created. If writing to this
# succeeds, this is renamed to the data file, hopefully
# atomically replacing it 
# Note2: the data.tmp file is not a lock file, it is used
# to avoid a half written file in the event of power loss
# or process exit.
proc ::datastore::save { store } {


    set LockID [lock $store]

    if {[catch {
        set FD [open ${dataFileroot}.tmp w+]
        fconfigure $FD -translation binary -encoding binary
        puts $FD "$out"
        close $FD
        file rename -force ${dataFileroot}.tmp $dataFileroot
    } err ]} {
        unlock $store $LockID
        error $err "::datastore::save error saving store $store"

    unlock $store $LockID


But it is very difficult (impossible) to safely read/write files unless
you can synchronize access (you need cooperation) and/or use atomic
file operations (serialize access). The above example uses both.

tom jackson

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