IIRC, in AOLserver 4.5+, until the whole HTTP request is received by the server, it's being handled entirely by the driver thread -- and if the maxinput ns_limit is exceeded, the driver thread drops the connection before it's ever dispatched to a "connection thread" (which might be better referred to as a "request handler thread").

I could be wrong, it's been a few years since I looked at that code ... but that's what I seem to recall.

On 6/23/11 8:04 AM, Fenton, Brian wrote:
I don't fully understand this - if there is no entry in the access log, does 
this mean that I'm not even connnecting to AOLserver? As the success of the 
upload is dependent on maxinput I imagine there is some sort of connection to 
the server. Assuming there is a connection how can I log it or intercept it?

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