Alternatively, instead of the driver thread tossing the connection on the floor, it could mark the HTTP request as being truncated in some way, and passing up to maxinput bytes through to the connection thread. Then, the connection thread can decide how to handle the request -- but, the driver thread still makes sure that the hard limits are enforced on the request that will be passed on to the conn thread ... ?

On 6/23/11 8:47 AM, Jim Davidson wrote:
The reason is the access log is a "trace" that fires at the end of an HTTP 
connection and the request isn't a connection until all the content has been read and the 
data structures hooked up and passed over to a connection thread.  In retrospect, 
transaction logging should be a lower-level built-in that can deal with logging these 
aborted transactions.

Dossy Shiobara         |      "He realized the fastest way to change     |   is to laugh at your own folly -- then you   |   can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)
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