> > [cascavel:~] rpm -qf /usr/lib64/libmp4ff.so.0
> > faad2-2.5-7.fc6.at
> >
> > Check your version of faad2.
> >
> I am using the version of faad2 provided by freshrpms:
>   faad2-2.5-2.fc6
> The freshrpms version of faad2 clearly doesn't contain 'libmp4ff'.
> Until this latest mythtv update, I never had any compatibility issues.
> While I imagine that switching to the atrpms version would solve my
> problems, it would be nice if the two repos (atrpms and freshrpms)
> agreed on the core contents of faad2. Particularly, since I otherwise
> have a mixed atrpms and freshrpms system.
> Any idea what changed to uncover this incompatibility?

Matthias removed libmp4ff from faad2 and moved it to another package.
I think it is part of extras now.

In a nutshell, I would gather all multimedia packages from a single repo,
preferably from ATrpms
(faad2, faac, x264, ffmpeg, transcode, mjpegtools and libquicktime).

This will not preclude you from using other packages from freshrpms.
The only package I know that could require multimedia packages
from freshrpms is vlc, which is also available in ATrpms now
(and it is as good as Livna's or freshrpms versions).

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
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