Axel: If you re-read the original posting - it's about the mythtv 
package going from doc-package to group-package.

Jeffrey: try this to get around the problem:
rpm -e --nodeps --repackage mythtv
yum install mythtv-doc
yum upgrade libmyth mythtv-backend mythtv-frontend mythcontrols mythweb 
mythtv-themes mythtv-setup


Axel Thimm wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 09:47:33PM -0400, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
>> Well, if it is part of 'extras' which in turn is merged with core as
>> of FC7, wouldn't it make sense for atrpms to drop it too?
> Check bugzilla. I even tried to use that package and it broke
> mythmusic/aac. The libmp4ff has been a PITA for quite some time,
> thanks to short-sighted packaging done.
> The whole story is that the package in extras doesn't even have
> libmp4ff because the livna maintainer considered it unnesseccary (for
> the other packages he maintained) and since livna did not carry mythtv
> he didn't care (see below). Unfortunately this package was then
> imported into Fedora by Matthias, not the best idea in my opinion.
> So, not everything in extras/core is gold. This is an example where a
> rather rogue packages made it in there, and really requires to be
> replaced:
> o no upstream exists, the original packager just created a fake
>   upstream and modded it to his personal needs.
> o the persons that created the fake upstream gave up due to lack of
>   time, so even this forked upstream can be considered dead
> o no other Linux distro does it that way
> o all 3rd party repos are busted (other than livna and freshrpms)
> o breaks applications like mythmusic/aac and the like
> Here are the glory details:
> | I googled and found these quotes:
> | 
> |
> | > Since there is no code in livna or fedora extras that depend on libmp4ff 
> at
> | > the moment, this issue is low priority.
> | 
> |
> | > We dont provide mythtv, and is consistent with itself and
> | > with fedora core/extras. You're probably mixing incompatible repositories.
> | 
> | I think the issue is known and ack'd at livna and you already
> | provided the fix to rectify it. I'm promoting cross-repo
> | compatibility, but it can't be fixed on ATrpms' side, because it's
> | not broken there. Reading through these bug reports looks like
> | someone decided to start static linking of some parts, something
> | that Fedora Core is rather against anyway.
> | 
> | I hope you can convince the respective packager (either Noa or Dams
> | or both, at least according to these reports) to fix the
> | compatibility issues.
> | 
> | Otherwise someone at livna posted the workaround:
> |
> | > OK, I added the following line to /etc/yum.repos.d/livna.repo in the
> | > [livna] section and that seems to fix the problem:
> | > 
> | > exclude=*faad2*
> | An update: Some weeks ago I rebuilt mythmusic (and everything else
> | using faad2) with an faad2 w/o the helper libmp4ff exported
> | (e.g. the way livna does it, so compatibility was restored since),
> | but aac support silently died due to that change, mythmusic
> | *requires* libmp4ff (!).
> | 
> | So it is not only a run-time incompatibility, but affects even
> | build-time and makes libmp4ff obviously non-internal. Furthermore
> | Debian/Ubuntu and Mandrake stumbled over this, too (in different
> | context), and reactivated libmp4ff, which is what I'm also going to
> | (have to) do to fix the broken aac support in mythmusic.
> | 
> | Please, if s/o on the Cc is still in contact with the respective
> | livna packagers (Garrick?) ask them to undo the patching otherwise
> | ATrpms and livna will become imcompatible again wrt faad2 related
> | packages. The argument is that mythmusic cannot be built with aac
> | support otherwise.
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