Don't give up, Ubuntu Lucid can be slimmed down to under 100MB without mythfrontend running (with mythfrontend I believe I was running just under 200MB on 9.10 Karmic). I started with Xubuntu alternate cd which made trimming down easier.

Note: I ran Karmic only as a test on an atv with mythfrontend .22. But since that had performance/timing problems with the new myth-ui, my 'production' atvs are still running 9.04. At least until I switch to xbmc and 10.04.


On 5/4/2010 1:06 AM, Paul wrote:
Don't do it!  Not yet anyway.  I had a working 9.04 (Jaunty) Mythbuntu
installation on atv.  I updated to 10.04 in order to easily update to
the latest Mythtv packages (to match my upgraded backend) and it is
unusable. It wants something like 500MB RAM, and there is only 256MB
on the motherboard, so swap usage is crippling.  I'm working on
stripping it down to manageable level, but I do not know if it's going
to work.

There are 0.23 Mythtv packages available for Jaunty here:
.  I wish I'd just used those :-(

8.04 (Hardy) and 10.04 (Lucid) are LTS releases with 3 year support,
All ubuntu releases offer 2 years.  So both 8.04 and 9.04 offer
support till April 2011.  After that, I don't think it'll be viable to
run ubuntu on atv, but I might change my mind if I can slim down


On Apr 29, 11:04 pm, DFishburn<>  wrote:
Scott, you mentioned in the Grub2 post:
"As ubuntu 8.04 is required to get audio over HDMI and that's what I

8.04 is only supported for 2 years I believe.
Which means 10.4 will be supported for the next 2 years.

My myth backend is running on 7.04, and because of that I cannot apply
any patches or new software to the system.  Basically it is too old

I have two ATVs, each running 8.04.  I never knew HDMI audio worked or
I might have tried to use it.

Couple of questions.

1.  I was planning on toasting my myth backend and redoing it with
10.4 so I have support for the next 2 years.  I think this means I
might have to upgrade my mythfrontends running on the ATVs as well.  I
was hopefully going to keep them to 10.4 as well.  I doubt anyone has
tried 10.4 on any ATVs, has anyone?

2.  Right now, my ATV connects to my TV via HDMI and RCA jacks to my
(cheap) DVD / 5.1 surround sound system.  Even if I turned on HDMI
audio, what does that really buy me?  I have the TV muted all the time
and only listen out of the stereo.

3.  I never did manage to get the code to change the flickering yellow
light on the ATV working.  Just wondering if it will also work on


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